If you were a Time Warner Cable subscriber at any time between January 1994
and December 1998, you may be eligible to get free cable services or money
from a class action settlement.
This is a revised notice from the one first published in December 2005.
The settlement has been revised. Qualified Class Members now have the option
of receiving $5 as an alternative to receiving free cable services. If you previously
submitted a claim form and do not want the $5 alternative, you do not have to do
anything. If you previously submitted a claim form and would like the $5 alternative,
you must submit a new claim form by the deadline.
Please read this Notice. Your legal rights may be affected.
A settlement has been proposed in a class action lawsuit alleging
that Time Warner Cable sold its subscribers’ personal information to
other companies for marketing purposes. If approved, the settlement
will provide free Time Warner Cable services or $5 to anyone who
subscribed to Time Warner Cable at any time between January 1, 1994
and December 31, 1998, and was on a list of subscribers whose
information may have been available for sale.
The U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York
authorized this notice. Before any benefit is given, the Court will have
a hearing to decide whether to approve the settlement.
Who’s I lie hi dec!?
You are a Class Member if you were a Time Warner Cable
subscriber any time between January 1. 1994 and December 31,1998.
Excluded from the Class arc Time Warner Cable employees, officers,
directors, or counsel.
Only subscribers who were on a list of
subscribers whose personal information may have been available for
sale are qualified Class Members and may get free services or money.
What’s This About?
information about its subscribers to other companies, without first
making the required disclosures of its practices to subscribers. As a
result, the lawsuit asserts violations of applicable law relating to Time
Warner Cable’s privacy notice and disclosure practices from 1994 -
1998. Time Warner Cable denies it did anything wrong and does not
admit any wrongdoing by this settlement. The Court has not decided
which side is right. However, both sides have agreed to the settlement
to resolve the case.
What Does the Settlement Provide?
C urrent
If you arc a Time Warner Cable subscriber
now, and your name is on a list of subscribers whose information may
have been available for sale, you can pick: (1) one free month of any
additional Time Warner Cable service that you don’t already have, or
(2) two free Movies On Demand, provided in both eases that you live
in an area and at a location which can be serviced by Time Warner
Cable when the benefit is distributed, or (3) $5.
Form er
Subscribers: If you are not a Time Warner Cable subscriber
now, and your name is on a list of subscribers whose information may
have been available for sale, you can choose: (1) one free month of
any Time Warner Cable service with free installation, or (2) two free
Movies On Demand provided in cither case that you live in an area
and at a location which can be serviced by Time Warner Cable when
the benefit is distributed, or (3) to give your settlement benefit to
someone else who lives in an area and at a location which can be
serviced by Time Warner Cable, or (4) $5.
flow Do 1
Ask for the Free Services or Money?
The detailed notice and claim form package have everything you
need. Just call or visit the website below to get them. To qualify for
a free Time Warner Cable service or $5, you must send in a claim
form. (If you previously submitted a claim form and do not want
the $5 alternative, you do not have to submit a new claim form.)
Claim forms must be postmarked by March 10, 2009. Once this
settlement is final and becomes effective, you will be contacted
regarding your $5 check or claim for free serv ice and you will be able
to make your free service selection at that lime.
What Are My Other Options?
If you do NOT want to be legally bound by the settlement, you must
exclude yourself by November 10,2008. or you won’t be able to sue
Time Warner Cable about the legal claims in this case. If you exclude
yourself, you won't get any free services or money from this ease. II
you stay in the settlement, you may object to it by November 24,
2008. The detailed notice explains how to exclude yourself or object.
The Court will hold a hearing in this case
Time Warner
Fm. Co.,
Case No. CV 98-4265), on December 9,2008 at 11:00 a.m.
before the Honorable I. Leo Glasser at the U.S. District Court for the
Eastern District of New York, 223 Cad man Plaza Hast. Brooklyn, New
York, Courtroom 8B-S, to decide whether to approve the settlement,
lime Warner Cable also has agreed to pay the four law firms
representing all Class Members $5,000.000 in attorneys’ fees and
costs, for investigating the facts, litigating the case since
(including an appeal), and negotiating and revising the settlement. The
Court will consider whether to approve this payment at the hearing.
You may appear at the hearing, or have an attorney appear on your
behalf at your own expense.
For More information
To obtain
detailed notice,
or visit
Please do not contact the Court
Toll free 1-800-291-3831
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